Enzymes are specific to substrates, present in the different raw materials of the feed. All components of the feed are interacting and when developing the value of an enzyme it’s important to consider the total level of antinututritional substrates within the feed as well as their interaction. The supplementary enzymes are complementary and work as a whole on the feed, that is the Feedase concept.
Considering such an approach will help to optimize the benefits of enzymes in feed formulation.
Traditionally feedmillers are managing huge quantities of flours, grains, solid particles but there is a great opportunity to use more and more liquids as ingredients as well as feed additives.
How to deal simply with this liquid opportunity, either at the ingredient or additive level through the mixer or at the additive level through the post-pelleting application?
A feedmill traditionally deals with grains, flours, meals… and operations such as grinding, mixing, pelleting…
But more and more liquids are used during the feed processing either as ingredients or additives.
Sharing the experience of incorporating liquids either before or after pelleting and optimize their use is the objective of this roundtable with the feedback of an end-user, an equipment designer and a feed additive supplier
The liquid products usage is continuously growing in the feed mill because of their practical benefits.
Managing liquid ingredient or additives bring flexibility in the formulation, easiness in the application, functional automation, reduced energy consumption, enhanced productivity.
Adisseo has a long expertise on liquid application through liquid methionine as well as post-pelleting added enzymes.Dealing with liquid additives mean facing various physical and chemical characteristics, application systems, incorporation levels…With broad knowledge and expertise in the field of liquid additive application, Adisseo offers feed millers support, knowledge and know-how, so that they can use liquid additives with peace of mind.
Refining the optimum selenium source to be used to help our animals optimize their performance is crucial. The recent analytical progresses show the importance of the correct analysis of the composition of the selenium sources used in animal feeds: from total Se to elemental Se and Se-Met. Dr Véronique Vacchina, UT2A, will explain these recent progresses.
Our highly performing broilers are like athletes. To transform the huge amount of feed eaten everyday their mitochondria need to function tremendously producing ATP and heat but also lots of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) detrimental to the optimal functioning of the animals. We thus we need to help them to deal to buffer the ROS potential, supplying them with efficient antioxidant solutions such as organic Selenium, key in the selenoproteins.
Selenium plays an important role in the antioxidant system, as it helps birds face oxidative challenges.
Selisseo® is a unique, pure and reliable organic form of selenium that consistently helps animals fight oxidative stress.
Science is continuously confirming the efficacy of Selisseo® in enhancing the Se status of birds and in maintaining the performance of birds under oxidative stress. De Marco et al. (2021) confirmed its higher bio-efficacy than sodium selenite or SeYeast. Sun et al. (2021) have recently shown that Selisseo is more able to maintain the performance of broilers under a high stocking density and heat stress than not only to inorganic Se, but also SeYeast products. Improvements in performance have also been observed in broiler breeders; Zorzetto et al. (2021) demonstrated improvements in egg production and quality, in comparison to inorganic sources, when Selisseo® was fed to birds, thus suggesting that Selisseo® can be an effective tool to help aging birds sustain their productive and reproductive performance.
With the critical context of raw material prices and the need to reinforce the sustainability of the the animal protein production, formulating feeds closer to the animal performance becomes more and more crucial. The Net Energy system is definitely the most apporpriate energy system to be closer to the animal needs.
Worldwide Experts in energy will explain how Net Energy is the most appropriate system to formulate feeds in poultry and swine.
Join Jean NOBLET, Mingan CHOCT, Shubiao WU and more explaining NE benefits.
A practical session to share the impact of switching from Metabolizable Energy to Net Energy on feed formulations: hierarchy of raw materials, incorporation of alternative feedstuffs, impact on feed cost, change in dietary protein and amino acid contents… Discuss, exchange, practise, share your questions with our feed formulators Céline and Florian and a large panel of experts: Prof Mike KIDD, Prof Shubiao WU, Prof Hans STEIN, Dr Jean NOBLET, Dr Jaap VAN MILGEN”.
How to move step-by-step towards Net Energy to get closer to animal performance and production targets, share your interrogations with our large panel of Experts: Prof Mike KIDD, Prof Shubiao WU, Prof Hans STEIN, Dr Jean NOBLET, Dr Jaap VAN MILGEN.
Adisseo has a long expertise in feed formulation through the development of usage of digestible amino acids, enzymes, minerals… Adisseo has also developed with the NIRS technology the knowledge of the precise nutritional value of raw materials and its variability.
To further support our customers in making the best use of raw materials through feed formulation we have developed the NESTOR software. It allows to give a Net Energy value to all ingredients besides the Apparent Metabolizable, Digestible Amino Acid and Available Phosphorus values to fit with the animal needs and recommendations.
The NE approach is supported by the scientific community and will allow to formulate feeds closer to the animal requirements reducing wastes and allowing to make the best use of alternative feedstuffs”
In 2021, Adisseo launched its Adisseo Research Grant to support international and collaborative research programs to address feed industry challenges. This grant offers €1 M to two to three 3-year Research Projects. The selection was performed by an international scientific committee of academic and feed industry representatives. The targeted species are poultry and swine.
After Adisseo Research Grant 2021 and 2022, share with the international scientific committee the impact of such support on developing innovation, attracting young scientists and challenge our future animal protein production.
In 2021, Adisseo launched the 1st Adisseo Research Grant with 1 M€ to support 2 collaborative and innovative projects.
Project 1
Use of functional amino acids to feed broilers during and after a coccidia challenge with Prof I Kyriazakis (AFBI) and Prof Olukosi (Univ Georgia)
In 2021, Adisseo launched the 1st Adisseo Research Grant with 1 M€ to support 2 collaborative and innovative projects.
Project 2
Understanding the contribution of gut microbiota on antiviral defences in the chicken: the gut-lung axis with Dr Guabiraba (INRAe), Prof Kaspers (LMU) and Dr Jessika Consuegra (Adisseo).
Adisseo is pursuing a policy of continuous research and innovation in its expertise fields to answer feed industry needs. The first Adisseo Research Grant 2021 awarded two Projects. The Laureates of the Adisseo Research Grant 2022 will be announced during the WPC. The focus concerns: nutritional evaluation of new raw materials and developing alternatives to medication: nutrition for resilience. Sustainability concern of the projects is also mandatory.