
Thanks to its Versatility, Rovabio® is Efficient in Various Broiler Strains


Broiler strains have different nutritional requirements depending on their specific growth performance. Because their genetic evolution might be different, Adisseo looked into the effectiveness of carbohydrase enzymes in the different genotypes.

In two different trials carried out at the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil, we demonstrated that Rovabio®, the versatile NSP enzyme, improves performance of the two important broiler strains on the market – Ross 308 (Araujo L.F., Ceccantini, M. et al., , 2010) and Cobb 500 (Araujo L.F.,Ceccantini, M. et al., 2011). However, the impact of Rovabio® was rather different between both strains (depending of the production phase).

In Cobb, Rovabio® had a better improvement on feed conversion between 0 and 21 days (Graph 1), due to a larger decrease of feed intake when fed with Rovabio®. In Ross, Rovabio® showed a better improvement of feed conversion between 22 and 42 days (Graph 2), likely due to enhanced digestibility as changes in feed intake are similar in both strains.

Thus, Rovabio® always improves broiler performance on the 0-42 day period in both trials, irrespective of the strain (Ross 308 or Cobb 500), further supporting its versatile enzyme profile.

Graph 1:  Improvement of performance with Rovabio® for Cobb 500 and Ross 308 strains between 0-21 days.



Graph 2: Improvement of performance with Rovabio® for Cobb 500 and Ross 308 strains between 21-42 days.
