
Mycotoxin contamination in wheat from Poland harvested in 2020


MycoMan Harvest Bulletin Poland

Based on the results of this survey, the 2020 wheat crop in Poland should not automatically be considered safe for inclusion in finished feed rations for all animal species.

Special attention should be paid to the medium-high average concentration of DON (1102 μg/kg), which was found in 71% of the samples with maximum concentration 9800 μg/kg. Average HT-2 and T-2 toxins level according to our risk assessment table present low-medium risk to sensitive animals as poultry, piglets, sows and boars. Levels of ZEA and OTA are low and present low risk for the animal health and performance.

Taking into account present mycotoxins and their levels, wheat should be used in levels not higher than 50% to the ration to avoid negative effect in animals and not to exceed the recommendation level for DON in EU for sensitive animals like pigs, calves etc.

The results of new harvested wheat analysis conducted in 2020 by Adisseo in Poland concludes that this year’s harvest is of concerning quality in terms of mycotoxin contamination. Also, Mycotoxin Management product supplementation to animal feeds is an effective strategy to prevent negative effect of mycotoxins on animal health and performance.

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