
Adisseo completes its NIR service with MyPNE, a unique access to business intelligence


MyPNE1, powered by Adifo, is an extension of the current web platform of Precise Nutrition Evaluation (PNE), the NIR service of Adisseo. In just a few clicks, My PNE interface allows users to easily analyze and extract the value of their PNE data sets 

Antony, Sept 15th, 2015

Adisseo and Adifo have joined forces to create MyPNE, as an extension to PNE, Precise Nutrition Evaluation, web platform, offering a unique service to support data-driven decision-making.

It allows an additional and optimal use of PNE, the Adisseo NIR service, giving instantaneously values of Apparent Metabolizable Energy, Total and Digestible Amino acids, Total and Phytic Phosphorus contents of a large range of raw materials. The digestible values are based on « in vivo » trials conducted in CERN (Center of Expertise and Research in Nutrition), Adisseo’s experimental facilities located in Commentry, France.

With MyPNE, feed companies can exploit their own raw materials nutrients data obtained thanks to PNE through various easy to use dashboards.

Among others:

  • Assess nutrients evolution over time via analysis of trends,
  • Compare nutrients characteristics of raw materials on the basis of qualitative criteria (e.g. origins),
  • Display nutrients correlations
  • Display nutrients matrices and possibility of refining specific effects (e.g. suppliers)

Graph MyPNE

All processed results are available in interactive graphs and charts which can also be easily exported under various formats. It gives to nutritionists, formulators, purchasers and quality control managers an additional data-processing application to maximize the use of their feed ingredients and alert them to possible change so they can anticipate and make informed decisions.

Furthermore, PNE has been recently completed with proximal values based on a huge number of samples of raw materials collected in all parts of the world: America, Europe, China, Asia … Thanks to equations calculated through the values of these regional samples, PNE gives the most precise and reliable predictions of the content of the raw materials: crude protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, dry matter, whatever their geographic origin.

« With MyPNE’s extension, PNE service can be considered as a new staff member in a feed company, supporting different functions such as purchaser, nutritionist or quality control manager. This new service is intended to all Adisseo’s customers using PNE » sums up Johnny Haggiage / PNE Marketing Manager at Adisseo.